The pool company has informed us that they have re-opened the pool. The kiddie pool padding and main pool broken tiles should now be fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience. The large rust-colored deck stain by the pump room will be power-washed on Monday. Have a nice weekend!
Author: Robert Podnar
Pool closure today/tomorrow (Thursday/Friday)
The pool company has closed the pool for today and tomorrow (16th/17th) so that they can finish the kiddie splashpad warranty work and the pool decking work that was rained out two weeks ago. We apologize for the inconvenience and the late notice. The fixes require 48 hours to dry. I will send out an […]
Reminder: Davis Spring Social Hour Today, May 10 from 5-7pm at Brooklyn Heights Pizzeria
From the social committee: Davis Spring Social Hour today, Friday, May 10th from 5-7pm at Brooklyn Heights. The HOA will cover $300 of pizza and appetizers and non alcoholic beverages. Brooklyn Heights Pizzeria14900 Avery Ranch Blvd, Austin, TX 78717(512) 238-8889
Oak Wilt in Davis Spring Update
At the 03/16 Davis Spring Board Meeting, we were informed by 2 residents from the northern half of Cordero that they are having their trees treated for Oak Wilt. According to the City of Austin records, Davis Spring has two active Oak Wilt areas: Cordero and Olive Hill (end) @ Irondale. The City of Austin […]
Pool Closed – Mon/Tue (29th/30th)
The pool will be closed Monday and Tuesday (April 29th/30th) to repair a leak in the pump room and to have warranty work performed on the kiddie splashpad flooring. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Pool Update – 04/21/19
The pool is open. What’s new: The restrooms have been painted and the mirrors have been replaced. The larger planned upgrade including new lighting and new sink is postponed until at least next off-season because of the the large upcoming playground purchase. Planned shutdown: The pool will be closed on April 29th/30th (Monday/Tuesday) to repair […]
Pool is open
The pool is open. Have a wonderful weekend! Frequently asked question: Q: Is the pool closed for cleaning on Mondays? A: No. Cleaning is performed after hours, 3x per week, during the open season.
Pool open for Spring Break
The Davis Spring pool is officially open this week for Spring Break! Hang out poolside or take a dip in the (chilly but warming up) water. The kiddie splashpad opening is delayed a day or two until the pool company can make some final adjustments. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, […]
03/12 Board Meeting Agenda
Davis Spring H.O.A. Board Tuesday, March 12, 2019; 7:30pm (Note new temporary time/date) St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, portable #1, 9500 Neenah Ave, Austin TX, 78717 Reading of minutes from 1/15 board meeting Board report Selection of President/VP/Treasurer/Secretary Manager’s report Auditor bids Financial statement regarding near term major expenditures Committee Reports Architectural Review Children’s […]
8/21 Draft minutes of Q/A with Austin Parks regarding new disk golf course
Three members of Austin Parks & Recreation Department attended the 8/21 Davis Spring Board Meeting and answered questions from residents regarding the new disk golf course. This is an early draft of the minutes from the meeting. It has not been voted on or approved, but we wanted to get the info out to all […]