Progress this Week: Smith Contracting: Poured the shared use path (SUP) retaining wall and the downstream 5’x3’ box culvert safety end treatment (SET). Excavation continued for the north retaining wall, and demolished the Holy Family School’s west driveway. Removed an existing 10’x4’ box culvert. Two Week Schedule: Smith Contracting: Continue water line utility adjustments. Continue […]
Author: Frank Maulit
Neenah Construction Update June 8, 2018
Progress this Week: Smith Contracting: Excavated for the concrete shared use path (SUP) in Phase 3. Formed and poured concrete for the SUP in Phase 3. Formed downstream safety end treatment (SET) footing for 5’x3’ box culvert. Formed SUP retaining wall footing. Excavated for Retaining Wall N in Swale A. Two Week Schedule: Smith Contracting: […]
June 19, 2018 Board Meeting Agenda
Davis Spring H.O.A. Board Tuesday, June 19 2018; Time 6:30pm Real Manage Business Office 9601 Amberglen, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78729 AGENDA Oak Wilt Informational Discussion – April Rose – City of Austin Committee Reports Architectural Review Children’s playgroup – Open Garage Sale Landscaping Open items Landscape walk schedule Requested items Powerwashing at Cassandra […]
Neenah Construction Updates 5/25/18
Progress this Week: Smith Contracting: Excavated for the concrete shared use path (SUP) in Phase 3. Formed and poured concrete for the SUP in Phase 3. Completed clearing ROW for Phase 3 work. Two Week Schedule Smith Contracting: Continue utility adjustments. Continue pond improvement work. Continue flexible base and concrete placement for the SUP in […]
Neenah Construction Updates 5/18/2018
Progress this Week: Smith Contracting: Excavated for the concrete shared use path (SUP) in Phase 3. Formed and poured concrete for the SUP in Phase 1. Continued clearing ROW for Phase 3 work. Two Week Schedule: Smith Contracting: Continue utility adjustments. Continue pond improvement work. Continue flexible base and concrete placement for the SUP in […]
Neenah Widening Weekly Project Update May 11, 2018
Progress this Week: Smith Contracting: Excavated for Swale A between church driveways. Formed and poured concrete for shared use path (SUP). Installed erosion control devices for next phase of work. Backfilled SUP with topsoil between Altona Way and the pond. Began clearing ROW for next phase of work. Two Week Schedule: Smith Contracting: […]
5/15 DSHOA Board Meeting Delayed Start
For anyone that planned to attend tomorrow’s board meeting at the RealManage office, we will be starting at 6:30pm instead of 6:00pm. Apologies for the late notice.
Pool is now open!
The pool replastering has been completed, the water has been treated, and the pool is now open. Thank you for your patience during the required maintenance and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Neenah Construction Update – May 4, 2018
WEEKLY PROJECT UPDATE May 4, 2018 Neenah Avenue Widening (Olive Hill Drive to End) Prime Contractor: Smith Contracting Company Anticipated Completion: Spring 2019 Progress this Week: Smith Contracting: Excavated for Swale A between church driveways. Formed and poured concrete for shared use path (SUP), between Solera Drive and detention pond. Two Week Schedule: Smith […]
Davis Spring May 15, 2018 Board Meeting Agenda
Davis Spring H.O.A. Board Tuesday, May 15, 2018; Time 6:00pm Real Manage Business Office 9601 Amberglen, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78729 AGENDA Committee Reports Architectural Review Children’s playgroup – Open Garage Sale Landscaping Pear tree removal on Neenah Neighborhood watch – Open Playground Replacement of slide Pool Replastering update Access issues w/ resident cards […]