February 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2016 Real Manage Conference Room 9601 Amberglen, Suite 1250 Meeting called to order at 6:05PM, adjourned at 7:00PM by Karen McGrath, President. In attendance; Karen McGrath (President), Cheryl Walker (VP), Randy Reavis (Treasurer), Dan Harrison (Secretary), Bill Brooks (Real Manage). Residents in attendance; Frank Maulit (Website Chairman), Kristina Magaha (Social Committee), Prashant Gadgil […]

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From the President

I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Year’s! The Board is happy to announce that we are off to a great start with almost all the votes required to give the retention pond back to the city. We are approximately about 30 votes short. If you have not filled out your form there is one online […]

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